Susan Scollon
I have always been interested in EASTERN METHODS OF HEALING. My passion has led me to practises in Japanese Reiki, Tibetan Buddhism & Chinese Medicine.
I first began studying Chinese Medicine in 2008 and have been practising since 2013. Further studies taught me to use a particular style of acupuncture know as the balance method (DISTAL ACUPUNCTURE). This means I use acu-points away from the site of pain. I believe needling an area already in crisis will only exacerbate the situation. Instead, I focus on areas of health to remodel the body as a whole unit.
In order to practice Chinese Medicine to the best of my ability, I believe in a dedicated practice of Qi Gong. This holistic system of coordinated body posture and movement, breathing, and meditation promotes health, spirituality, and martial arts training. During consultations I am able to teach patient’s appropriate movements for their individual health. The best medicine is learning habitual practices that are self sustaining.
More recently I have began practising CRANIOSACRAL RELEASE. This technique helps restore a free flow of cerebrospinal fluid around the central nervous system. A gentle hands on healing approach, mobilises the soft tissue of the head, spine and pelvis. This is a great method for releasing trauma injuries of the neck, jaw and back.
I am currently working from a comfortable home space. The environment is quiet, filled with natural light and a meditative habitat
- Level 1 Qi Gong Instructor Certificate – March 2018
- Zi Ran Men
- Level 1 Craniosacral Release 2016
- Craniosacral Institute, Shiatsu College
- Bachelor of Health Science (Acupuncture) July 2013
- Endeavour College of Natural Medicine, Victoria Australia
- Certificate in Reiki Training (Levels I, II & III) 2001-2003
- International Institute for Reiki Training, Perth, WA.
- Qi Gong Instructor Training, Master Liu Deming Ziranmen, March 2018
- Qi Gong China Retreat, Master Liu Deming Ziranmen, September 2017
- Distal Needling Acupuncture, Bob Doane, July 2016
- Master Tung’s 3 Day Intensive, Dr Robert Chu, July 2015
- Dr Tan’s Balance Method, Advanced Track, Dr Richard Tan, February 2015
- Dragon & Phoenix Qi Gong Workshop, Master Liu Deming, September 2015
- Releasing Stress & Anxiety Workshop, Master Liu Deming, September 2014
- Vertebral Injuries in TCM, Hamish Reid, September 2014
- Dr Tan’s Balance Method, Core Foundations Track, Dr Richard Tan, July 2014
- Taoist Nei-Dan Elixir Qi Gong Workshop, Master Liu Deming, April 2014
- Face Reading in Chinese Medicine, Lillian Bridges, April 2014